Tag: Windows 10

[FIX] Thunderbird: “There is no email program associated to perform the requested action” error

Short version: make sure Thunderbird is set as the default mail app, then download and run the REG file below to fix MAPI. Mozilla Thunderbird is the best email client ever. There isn’t much room to argue against that. Anyone in IT has suffered through the misery that is Microsoft Outlook and knows better. Unfortunately,…
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March 12, 2020 9

Windows 7 is “no longer supported.” Should you upgrade? Should you buy new?

(Scroll to the end for our local Windows 10 upgrade offer.) Windows 7 support ends January 14, 2020, and Microsoft is letting everyone know, and lots of people think their computers will magically catch on fire and never work again in 2020. (Okay, I’m kidding about the fire part.) If you’re reading this, you probably…
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December 31, 2019 2

Force-disable Windows 10 automatic updates (with a caveat)

I left the following comment on Reddit and I thought it might be useful to anyone looking to turn off Windows 10’s abhorrent forced update behavior: You can force-disable Windows 10 updates by going to regedit, navigating to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\services\wuauserv, exporting that entire key to a reg file, deleting it, and rebooting. You can also skip…
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January 4, 2019 0