Tag: Mac

WORKING DOWNLOAD LINK for TRIM Enabler 2.2 for Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard

Note that no downloads of TRIM Enabler are hosted here. You can get it from the Wayback Machine instead: Download TRIM Enabler 2.2 from The Internet Archive Apple added TRIM support to Mac OS X in Snow Leopard update 10.6.7, but it only works on Apple SSDs. Third party SSDs never have TRIM enabled. There…
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April 23, 2019 4

Prevent Macs from creating annoying .DS_Store files on Samba file servers

If you have a network file server and you let a Mac touch it over the network, chances are very high that you’ve noticed a lot of file pollution caused by the Mac, mostly in the form of files called .DS_Store and ._.DS_Store in every single folder the Mac browses to. There are other hidden…
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November 23, 2018 0